Sunday, January 2, 2011

Noelle: Day One

Noelle is a beautiful 12 week old pit bull puppy in great need of help. 

Noelle was bought off the streets of Bridgeport for $20.00 by a kid who brought her home, and she immediately started having seizures. Instead of surrendering her, or bringing her to a vet, Noelle suffered through seizures for 2 weeks before the owner would surrender her to us. 

This morning, 12-28-2010 at 8:30, Noelle was finally in our custody and brought straight to the vet. She seized the whole way to the vet and continued once she got there. She had a temperature of 106 degrees. She was immediately given valium, put on an IV for dehydration, as well as put on ice to try to break the fever. The veterinarian's initial recommendation was that we euthanize Noelle, but we had to see if she could be saved first. After doing initial blood work, and tests coming back negative, our vet thought she should see a specialist, so we brought her down to the Animal Speciality Center in Yonkers, NY to see a neurologist. They did tests, and found that Noelle has Hydrocephalus. 

Hydrocephalus is a build up of fluid inside the skull, leading to brain swelling, also known as,"water on the brain." Hydrocephalus is not common in bullies, or other large breed dogs, but can occur when there is trauma to the head. 

Though we are not sure if Noelle will make it through this, and as the neurologist stated, "Noelle is trying to climb Mt. Everest," we are going to do anything in our power to help this girl survive, and get the treatment she deserves. We know there are many dogs in need of help and donations, but Noelle is a special little girl, in a dire situation. We will not give up on her.

Noelle is currently staying at Animal Specialty Center to see how she responds to different medication. They are trying to control her seizures, so we can get a better idea of her prognosis. 
Thank you for caring about Noelle, an amazing little angel who needs a chance!! 

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